Thursday, March 19, 2009

Check yes or no

Before nodding off Brett and I usually lay and talk about our day, baseball, starwars, or whatever else is on Bretts mind. Well ladies tonight I found out that LOVE is in the air for little Brettster. Out of nowhere Brett asks "Mama, how do you know if a girl likes you?" I knew this was a very important question for Brett and that it took courage to ask it so I wanted to make sure I got the answer just right. After a few questions of my own I found out that her name is Haley and she draws pictures of butterflies for Brett that say To: Brett From: ? . The part that is perplexing Brett though is that here lately everytime she talks to him she cocks her head to the side and blinks real fast. (mind you I'm trying to keep a straight face duringf all of this!) Brett says that all his boy friends are telling him that Haley likes him so he thought he would draw her a picture back but can't quite decide if he should draw a dinosaur or a droid from starwars because those are two things he draws really well. He also informed me she laughs at all his jokes but he is slowly running out of jokes. He can't ask her if she likes him because he is afraid he may not spell all the words correctly in his letter and well he sure can't ask her face to face. The poor little fella just had this look of dread across his face. (Of course I was already heading for a piece of paper and pen in which I was gonna write the ole check yes or no letter myself.) Brett then informs me that it's ok, he will ask her himself in due time. Right now he is just gonna keep things like they are because she brings him cheesey pretzel twist everyday for lunch. He doesn't want to do anything to upset her because he loves those cheesy pretzel twist. Moral of this story ladies-even at eight years old the way to a mans heart is truly through his stomach!! P.S. I'll keep everyone updated with any further details :)


  1. OMG...this is so cute! They start younger and younger! Ha! My mama always told me that the way to a mans heart was through his stomach too...guess my lack of cooking skills is why I don't have one! Ha! Good luck to the little one in love! :o)

  2. HOw cute...for sure he should lay low for now, because those cheesy pretzel things sound delish! You have a very wise son:)

  3. Oh cute!!!! I don't think Mama's are ever ready for that!

  4. Awww Brettster! That is the sweetest thing! Not to mention how much I just LOVE that her name is Haley!! I think Brett should ask his uncle Chasey to draw lil Miss Haley a beautiful Butterfly just for her!! That right there will totall score him some MAJOR points. :o) See you tonight at the baseball game! LOVE YOU

  5. Awww.... That is so sweet! The good ole check yes or no letters... Brings back memories. My boys have "girlfriends" too... I have even found some "love" letters in their bookbags - I and keep every one of them! Keep us posted on this - too sweet!

  6. That is so priceless!! I am not looking forward to crushes, loves, and broken hearts for sure!! Thanks for stopping by! Have a good weekend!

  7. So cute! Young love.... *sigh*
